with EDBT 2024 – March 2024 - Paestum, Italy

6th International Workshop on Big Mobility Data Analytics (BMDA)
March 25th, 2024, Paestum, Italy
co-located with the EDBT/ICDT Conference


The event will be organized primarily as an in-person event; nevertheless, there will be an online component, in case of travel restrictions or other exceptional situations.

** Selected accepted papers will be considered for a special issue of Geoinformatica journal (Springer) **

Workshop Description

From spatial to spatio-temporal and, then, to mobility data. So, what's next? It is the rise of mobility-aware integrated Big Data analytics. The Big Mobility Data Analytics (BMDA) workshop, started in 2018 with EDBT Conference, aims at bringing together experts in the field from academia, industry and research labs to discuss the lessons they have learned over the years, to demonstrate what they have achieved so far, and to plan for the future of mobility.

In its 6th edition, the BMDA workshop will foster the exchange of new ideas on multidisciplinary real-world problems, discuss proposals about innovative solutions, and identify emerging opportunities for further research in the area of big mobility data analytics, such as deep learning on mobility data, edge computing, visual analytics, etc. The workshop intends to bridge the gap between researchers and big mobility data stakeholders, including experts from critical domains, such as urban / maritime / aviation transportation, and human complex networks.

Multiple fields of data analytics relate to the objectives of this workshop, including, but not limited to:

Paper Submission Procedure, Workshop Proceedings, Journal special section

We invite papers discussing novel research and ideas without substantial overlap with papers that have been published or submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings. Submitted papers can be of two types:

Submissions should be formatted using the EDBT/ICDT 2024 camera-ready template (see the instructions at https://dastlab.github.io/edbticdt2024/?contents=EDBT_cameraready.html) 2-column CEUR-ART format, which can be found at http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/CEURART.zip) (LaTeX and DOCX templates) and submitted through the workshop submission system at EasyChair https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=bmda2024. All submitted papers will be peer reviewed by at least three reviewers. If accepted, at least one of the authors must attend the workshop to present the work. Following the tradition of recent EDBT/ICDT workshops, all workshop papers will be published online at CEUR-ART style.

As with the previous BMDA editions, selected accepted papers will be considered for a special issue of Geoinformatica journal (Springer).

Important dates

Organization and Support

Workshop organizers (email: bmda24@unipi.gr):

Program Committee

The workshop is supported by: