with EDBT 2021 – March, 2021 – Nicosia, Cyprus

Keynote Speaker

Prof. Kristian Torp

Keynote Talk: Using Large Trajectory Dataset for Quantifying Mobility

Considering the UN sustainability goals (SDGs) is now a requirement for grants from the EU and other funding agencies. With the outset in SDG Goal 11: “Sustainable Cities and Communities” I will in this talk discuss how trajectory data is a good (the best?) outset for quantifying mobility. The quantification applies to both the level of services, i.e., how fast can you get from Point A to Point B, and the environmental impact of traveling from Point A to Point B. Using several GPS and energy consumption data sources I will argue that trajectory data can provide novel insight into quantifying mobility that is hard to do with other sensor data types such as induction loops or traffic cameras. The talk includes many concrete examples of using trajectory data in both a city and a rural context.

Kristian Torp is a professor at Aalborg University, Denmark. His research concerns data management, and data-intensive systems with a special focus on spatio temporal data. Kristian’s research has a strong focus on application and software developed with colleagues at the Daisy Research Group is used by Danish and German companies. At the very core of Kristian’s research are several data warehouses with GPS and CAN bus data from many providers. Kristian has received six best paper/demonstration awards including the best paper award at ACM SIGSPATIAL in 2014.