Nowadays, we have the means to collect, store and process mobility data of an unprecedented quantity, quality and timeliness. This is mainly due to the wide spread of GPS-equipped devices, including new generation smartphones. As ubiquitous computing pervades our society, mobility represents a very useful source of information. Movement traces left behind, especially when combined with societal data, can aid transportation engineers, urban planners, and eco-scientists towards decision making in a wide spectrum of applications, such as traffic engineering and risk management. The objective of the BMDA workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in scalable data-intensive applications that manage and analyze big mobility data. The workshop will foster the exchange of new ideas on multidisciplinary real‐world problems, discussion on proposals about innovative solutions, and identify emerging opportunities for further research in the area of big mobility data analytics, covering all layers of the Big Data Value Analytics (BDVA) reference model, namely data management, data processing, data analytics, and data visualization and user interaction. BMDA intends to bridge the gap between researchers and big data stakeholders, including experts from critical domains, such as urban / maritime / aviation transportation, human complex networks, etc. Most importantly it aims to unveil real‐world problems and show off novel solutions in such domains that require innovative data analytics solutions.
BMDA is partially supported by the EU Horizon 2020 projects: MASTER (Multiple ASpects TrajEctoRy management and analysis) and Track&Know (Big Data for Mobility Tracking Knowledge Extraction in Urban Areas)